Category algemeen

CUBE was a proud sponsor of the IAATI Training Seminar event held in Almelo Netherlands from the 1st to 3rd of October. Our CUBE team presented the latest vehicle forensic technology, CUBE Forensics and new special functions used to fight vehicle crime.

Approximately 300 attendees with backgrounds in vehicle crime investigation were present at the conference. IAATI membership is made up from representatives of serving and retired Police officers, custom officers, insurance companies and their investigators, vehicle rental companies, car leasing companies, members of the vehicle licensing organisations, vehicle manufacturers, lawyers and many others with a legitimate professional interest in vehicle investigation, prevention and education.

IAATI’s mission is to combat vehicle crime by providing its members with an unsurpassed array of experience, training and resources in areas such as technical developments, trends, intelligence information and investigative assistance.

IAATI is held in very high regard and respect within the vehicle crime investigation and prevention community. The institute was founded in the USA in 1952 and since 1990 has a European Branch (EB-IAATI) with membership spanning 33 countries.

The CUBE team also provided live demos on the VINCUBE at the event

More information on the event is found on the IAATI website:

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