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Om ongestoord te kunnen functioneren, moeten we onze samenleving zo goed als mogelijk beschermen tegen digitale dreiging. Ondanks de inspanningen om de weerbaarheid te verhogen, is er sprake van scheefgroei met de toenemende dreiging. Die scheefgroei vergroot het risico op...
On the 5th February 2016 Victoria, London – By invitation Digitpol attened the CX2016 as invited guests, CX 2016 showcases the latest leading and cutting edge technologies in production, R&D and OTS. As always, no press, no outsiders, just invited guests and key...
Digitpol’s Cyber Crime Investigation team attended the annual cybersecuritysummit held in Hong Kong 16th to 17th of May, An extraordinary well organised event, a great opportunity to meet the many International experts and see old colleagues attending. Digitpol CEO Martin...